Other ADB Members
Sum of Measures 1—5 (Total Package)
Measure | Amount (Local) | Amount (USD) | Details | Update | Source |
01 - Liquidity Support info_outline | NOK30,660,477,273 | USD3,000,000,000 | |||
01A - Short-term lending info_outline | 27 March 2020, The Government Bond Fund will contribute to increased liquidity and capital in the bond market by purchasing interest-bearing securities issued by Norwegian companies on market-based terms. |
01B - Support policies for short-term lending info_outline | No amount/estimate: (i) Provision of additional liquidity to banks in the form of loans of differing maturities; (ii) The possibility for banks to borrow in USD against collateral; (iii) The possibility that banks can temporarily breach the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR). |
01C - Forex operations info_outline | NOK30,660,477,273 | USD3,000,000,000 | (i) 31 March 2020, Norges Bank annonces that it will purchase foreign currency during April, the equivalent of NOK 2 billion per day; (ii) The possibility for banks to borrow in USD against collateral; (iii) 26 May 2020, Norges Bank issued a max of USD3 billion US dollar denominated loans against approved collateral. |
02 - Credit creation info_outline | NOK50,500,000,000 | USD4,941,214,667 | |||
02A - Financial sector lending/funding info_outline | |||||
02B - Support policies for long-term lending info_outline | |||||
02B1 - Interest rate adjustments | No amount/estimate: (i) Reduction of the policy rate by 1.25% to 0.25%; (ii) May 2020, reduction of the policy rate by an additional 0.25% to 0%; (ii) Reduced lending rates for both risk and low-risk loans by 25 basis points each; (iv) 27 January 2021, policy rate unchaged at zero percent. |
02B2 - Other policies to support long-term lending | (i) 13 March 2020, Easing of countercyclical capital buffer by 1.5%; (ii) 18 March 2020, Lighter security pledges for access to loans from Norges Bank; (iii) 23 March 2020, Temporary easing of mortgage regulations, in particular increase in the percent of mortgages that can deviate from the regulations; (iv) 11 June 2020, increased flexibility quotas for loan mortgage regulations to the third quarter of 2020. This flexible quotas refer to requirements set by the Consumer Loan Regulations, including loan-to-value ratio, installment payment, and the customer's ability to service debt in relation to income; (v) 19 June 2020, adopted new rules to simplify reconstruction negotiations for small businesses; (vi) 11 September 2020, temporary changes to the mortgage regulation will not be extended. The mortgage regulation allows a certain amount of a lender’s approved loans to deviate from the requirements in the regulation. Increased quotas (20%) will end on September 30. (vii) 07 September 2021, Norwegian banks may distribute profits in accordance with the regular frameowrk as uncertainty about the economic outlook has been reduced. |
02C - Loan guarantees | NOK50,500,000,000 | USD4,941,214,667 | (i) 27 March 2020, In the state guarantee scheme for bank loans to small and medium-sized enterprises the state guarantees 90% of the loans within a total guarantee framework of NOK50 billion; (ii) 20 May 2020, Extended the loan guarantee scheme to apply to loans granted before June 1, 2020, and permitted banks to provide guaranteed loans even after June 1, 2020; (iii) Existing guarantee scheme for 90% corporate loans will be extended until further notice for the year; (iv) 2 June 2020, Agreement between Innovation Norway and the European Investment Fund to expand Norway's Growth Guarantee Scheme (GGS). For 2 years, the GGS will cover up to 75% of the loss of 14 Norwegian banks extending loans to innovative Norwegian companies. The GGS was already expanded by NOK 500 million, bringing the total program funding to NOK 1.9 billion. |
03 - Direct long-term lending info_outline | NOK1,600,000,000 | USD156,553,336 | |||
03A - Long-term lending info_outline | NOK1,600,000,000 | USD156,553,336 | 27 March 2020, Increase borrowing limit in Innovation Norway’s loans scheme by NOK1.6 billion (Innovation Norway is the government's instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry). |
03B - Forbearance | |||||
04 - Equity support info_outline | |||||
05 - Health and income support | NOK149,838,639,773 | USD14,661,086,823 | |||
05A - Health support | NOK2,278,000,000 | USD222,892,812 | (i) NOK1.1 billion for critical sectors: Health and social services have been given permission to exceed their budgets; (ii) 31 January 2021, NOK825 million for mandatory border testing and NOK75 million to build national phone center for follow-up of entry quarantine., (iii) 23 February 2021, NOK203 million testing in quarantine hotels and at border crossings, NOK75 million national phone centre to assist the municipalities with entry registration. ; (iv) 20 September 2021, No amount/estimate: municipalities to offer a free flu vaccine to people who belong to risk groups. (v) No amount/estimate: 5 October 2021, Norway to offer COVID vaccine booster to those aged 65 and older. (vi) No amount/estimate: 6 October 2021, The Norwegian Government has decided that it will provide free testing for COVID-19 for as long as it is defined as an infectious disease that endangers public safety. |
05B - Income support | NOK147,560,639,773 | USD14,438,194,011 | |||
05B1 - Tax and contribution deferrals and policy changes | NOK232,000,000 | USD22,700,234 | 3 April 2020, (a) deferrals for beverage taxes (NOK14 million), (b) deferral of fuel and mineral product taxes (NOK18 million); 23 February 2021, NOK200 million emporary scheme involving postponement of tax payments extended until the end of June, except VAT claims that fall due after 12 April. |
05B2 - Tax and contribution rates reduction | NOK140,000,000 | USD13,698,417 | (i) 3 April 2020, (a) exemption on natural gas taxes (NOK40 million), (b) suspension of the horse-racing tax (NOK 100 million); (ii) 20 July 2020, No amount/estimate: owners of machinery and industrial equipment allowed to depreciate the value of these assets by an additional 10%. |
05B3 - Subsidies to individuals and households | NOK94,721,600,000 | USD9,268,114,044 | (i) NOK20.8 billion, mitigating income loss for persons; (ii) NOK5.5 billion, other compensation schemes; (iii) Automatic stabilizers: (a) NOK37 billion reduced tax revenues (Includes increased taxes due to the extensions of the unemployment benefit scheme and new income protection schemes for self-employed and freelancers), (b) NOK18 billion, increased expenditure on unemployment benefits, (c) NOK4 billion, increased sickness allowance; (iv) April 3, additional spending in the following areas: (a) help for students who have lost work income (NOK1 billion), (b) a temporary benefit for apprentices (NOK250 million), (c) compensation for reduced parental payment to after-school care (NOK1 billion), (d) skill development measures (NOK190 million), (e) home-based instruction (NOK 3 billion), (f) coronavirus information for immigrant groups (NOK6.6 million), (g) temporary purchase of basic rail transport services (NOK550 million), (h) support for temporarily laid-off employees with private pensions; (iv) May 14; NOK500 million housing support funds to increase number of elibible to receive housing assistance; (v) 15 May 2020 , NOK15 million paid to six universities to provide education to the laid-off and unemployed; (vi) No amount/estimate: 24 August 2020, extended the temporary unemployment benefit scheme through the rest of the year 2020; (vii) 23 Feb 2021, NOK1.1 billion increased efforts aimed at furloughed workers and the long-term unemployed; NOK660 million temporary sickness benefit rules for employees, freelancers and self-employed persons in the event of absence related to the coronavirus, extended until the end of June, NOK130 million work assessment allowance period for job seekers extended until the end of June, NOK460 million quarantine hotel arrangement at border crossings extended with reduced share of the cost for persons travelling for work, NOK320 million integration measures, such as Norwegian language tuition, introduction programme and information measures aimed at groups of immigrants, NOK240 temporary changes to the requirement for minimum income and minimum reduction in working hours under the unemployment benefit scheme.; (viii) No amount/estimate: 10 March 2021, new compensation scheme for non-Norwegian employees who are unable to work in Norway due to the current tight border restrictions. |
05B4 - Subsidies to businesses | NOK43,960,000,000 | USD4,301,302,906 | (i) 27 March 2020, NOK30.7 billion, mitigating income loss for businesses; (ii) NOK2.7 billion, aviation sector support excluding guarantee portion; (iii) 3 April 2020, support for the reindeer industry (NOK20 million); (iv) 18 May 2020, NOK20 million increased the support scheme for small and large companies that develop defense technology; (v) No amount/estimate: 17 June 2020, Business Compensation Scheme for companies facing decreasing turnover has been made more generous for seasonal companies. (vi) 25 June 2020, Lufthavndrift AS will receive approximately NOK70 million in grants in 2020 from Avinor AS, a state-owned company; (vii) No amount/estimate: 1 July 2020, companies and organizations can receive support for re-employing laid-off workers; (viii) 20 July 2020, NOK100 million subsidy for bus and passenger boat companies. (ix) 3 August 2020, NOK90 million support to Torp Sandefjord Airport; (x) 23 February 2021, NOK4 billion compensation scheme for businesses with fall in turnover extended until June, NOK1 billion allocation to municipalities to compensate local businesses particularly hard hit and outside of the general compensation scheme, NOK1 billion development and innovation scheme for travel and tourism and the event sector extended until June, NOK260 million support scheme for large events open to the general public, NOK2.75 billion subsidy for Avinor, operator of civil airpots in Norway, for the first half-year 2021, NOK500 million innovation grant under Innovation Norway, NOK240 million compensation scheme for employers’ expenses for entry quarantine for foreign labour is extended until the end of April; NOK100 million purchase of passenger transport by train to take account of reduced ticket revenues; (xi) 24 March 2021, NOK500 million current municipal relief scheme for affected businesses of the stricter national measures. |
05B5 - Indirect income support | NOK5,380,000,000 | USD526,410,592 | (i) 8 June 2020, NOK50 million to Norwegeian school and universities to pay for online training for unemployed and laid-off workers; (ii) No amount/estimate: 26 June 2020, expanded the compensation scheme to include organizers from cultural sector. Sports and volunteering are now also eligible; (iii) 6 July 2020, NOK1.6 billion Ministry of Education spending on schools, education and research related to coronavirus, of which NOK906 million to Norwegian Counties to support laid-off employees; (iv) 13 July 2020, NOK250 million additional grants to finance the maintenance of resorts and amusement parks; (v) 19 August 2020, NOK900 million new stimulation scheme and continuation of the compensation scheme for the cultural sector; (vi) 23 February 2021, NOK650 million stimulus and compensation schemes for culture, the voluntary sector and sport; NOK1.1 billion targeted measures for students to prevent drop-out and delays in their studies; NOK500 million expanded summer school scheme for summer 2021; NOK140 million flexible educational provision at tertiary vocational colleges, university colleges and universities, NOK100 million measures aimed at apprentices in spring 2021. |
05B6 - No breakdown (income support) | NOK3,127,039,773 | USD305,967,818 | (i) 6 July 2020, USD250 million fiscal stimulus package worth to the tourism industry; (ii) 23 February 2021, NOK572 million remaining amount of the NOK16.3 billion package announced. |
05C - No breakdown (health and income support) | |||||
06 - Budget reallocation info_outline | |||||
07 - Central bank financing government | |||||
07A - Direct lending and reserve drawdown | |||||
07B - Secondary purchase: government securities | |||||
08 - International Assistance Received | NOK306,604,772,727 | USD30,000,000,000 | |||
08A - Swaps info_outline | NOK306,604,772,727 | USD30,000,000,000 | 19 March 2020, Establishment of a swap facility of USD30 billion between Norges Bank and the US Federal Reserve (mutual currency arrangement). Amount outstanding as of 11 June 2020: USD5.4 billion. |
08B - International loans/grants | |||||
08B1 - Asian Development Bank | |||||
08B2 - Other | See (iv) in Loan Guarantees of Measure 2. |
09 - International Assistance Provided | NOK18,294,104,243 | USD1,790,001,905 | |||
09A - Swaps info_outline | |||||
09B - International loans/grants | NOK18,294,104,243 | USD1,790,001,905 | (i) As of 28 May 2020, USD14.1 million committed to the United Nations (UN) COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund (COVID-19 MPTF); (ii) June 29, NOK100 million to ensure that low and middle-income countries have access to COVID-19 vaccines when they are developed; (iii) 6 July 2020, NOK5.2 billion for IMF's Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust loan schemes; (iv) 21 September 2020, NOK215 million in humanitarian aid to Yemen, a large proportion of this funding is being used by the Norwegian Red Cross to establish the field hospital; (v) 20 October 2020, NOK390 million support to crisis-affected people in the Sahel region; (vi) 22 December 2020, NOK72 million in support to the IFC’s new Global Health Platform. ; (vii)23 December 2020, NOK33 million of debt service relief provided to Pakistan. ; (viii) 23 December 2020, NOK4.5 billion contribution to Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator; (ix) 05 April 2021, NOK6.3 billion in humanitarian support to protect civilians, improve food security and provide assistance to displaced people in countries affected by crisis and conflict. ; (x) 15 April 2021, NOK1.3 billion to COVAX to provide more than 25 million doses.; (xi) 28 April 2021, NOK20 million in humanitarian assistance to support India; (xii), 29 June 2021, NOK20 million support for vaccination in Syria. |
10 - No breakdown | |||||
11 - Other Economic Measures | (i) The Government Bond Fund bond fund was created with a starting capital of NOK50 billion. The fund will be managed by Folketrygdfondet, a state-owned asset manager; (ii) Urging from the Ministry of Finance to banks and insurance companies to not distribute profits; (iii) Automatic stabilizers: NOK37 billion reduced tax revenues; NOK18 billion,increased expenditure on unemployment benefits; NOK4 billion, increased sickness allowance; (iv) May 2020, The government has announced that oil production will be reduced until the end of the year. |
12 - Non-Economic Measures | |||||
12A - Measures affecting travel and transport (local and international) | (i) Restrictions on stays outside resident municipality; (ii) Border control measures included substantial restrictions on incoming foreigners; (iii) 26 October 2020, new national restrictions on labour immigration; (iv) 10 November 2020, decided to continue controls at the internal borders to limit spread of COVID-19; (v) 12 December 2020, requirement for a negative Covid-19 test result prior to entry into Norway and deportations in the event of violations of quarantine regulations. ; (vi) 21 December 2020, ban on direct flights from United Kigdom and registration requirement for all entering the country. ; (vii) 29 December 2020, introduced new quarantine rules; (viii) 31 December 2020, mandatory testing to all travellers to Norway; (ix) 16 January 2021, the government is introducing mandatory testing at the border for persons who have been to an area that necessitates quarantine upon arrival in Norway. This will apply from Monday 18 January; (x) 23 January 2021, the requirement to present a negative SARS-CoV-2 test prior to arrival when travelling to Norway is being amended to require a test taken 24 hours prior to departure instead of 72 hours; (xi) 10 February 2021, tightened entry restrictions introduced in January 2021 extended until end of February 2021. Mandatory testing, negative Covid-19 test result from a test taken in the 24 hours prior to their arrival in Norway, traveller registration, quarantine and quarantine hotels will continue to apply to those persons who are exempt from the restrictions on travel until further notice. ; (xii) 15 February 2021, issued rule to deport foreign citizens who violate the testing and registration requirements stipulated in the Covid-19 regulations. (xiii) 19 February 2021, stricter rules upon arrival in Norway and established a limited, application-based scheme to facilitate exemptions from the entry restrictions for technical personnel.; (xiv) 12 March 2021, required to stay at a quarantine hotel those who went for unnecesary leisure travel abroad and extended entry restrictions (only foreigners residing in Norway are allowed to enter). (xv) 20 April 2021, government to extend the tightened restrictions on entry into Norway that were introduced on 29 January 2021 until further notice, in the first instance until the end of 12 May. (xvi) 29 April 2021, stricter testing requirements for people who gave visited countries outside the EEA and the Schengen area. (xvii) 07 May 2021, travellers who have staed in countries outside of EEA/Schengen will go to quarantine hotels on arrival on Norway, regardless whether the trip has been necessary or not. ; (xviii) From 27 May, Norwegian students returning from studies abroad will not have to pay the fee if they must stay at a quarantine hotel; (xix) 05 July 2021, government to allow even more groups of people to enter the country from the end of July. This includes workers from the EEA and their family members; (xx) 05 July 2021, more countries are being categorised as green, with Norwegian entry restrictions and quarantine rules based on the same threshold values as those applied in the EU. ; (xxi) 07 July 2021, foreign students will be exempt from the restrictions on entry from 1 August, (xxii) 12 August 2021, Norway will accept COVID-19 certificates from England and Wales. ; (xxiii) 18 August, Norway will accept COVID Certificates from Northern Ireland.; (xxiv) 02 September 2021, romantic partners and family members from countries outside the EU/EEA will be allowed to enter Norway from 12 September. ; (xxv) 03 September 2021, introduced entry restrictions and quarantine requirement for Romania: (xxvi) 18 October 2021, Changes to entry restrictions for several countries and areas including Hungary and Finland.; (xxvii) 8 November 2021, Changes to entry restrictions for several countries and areas, updating travel restriction requirements. |
12B - Measures affecting business and workplace | (i) Schools and universities closed from 13 March 2020 to 13 April 2020; (ii) Curtailment of public events/gatherings; (iv) Reopening of daycare centres is scheduled progressively between the 20th and 27th April and reopening of primary schools and out-of-school programmes is scheduled for 27th April; (iii) All schools and universities have reopened by May 8; (iv) 27 October 2020, new national measures such as limit of number of guests at social gatherings in private homes and number of participants attending public events. Suggested local measures such as limiting social interaction, use of face masks in public transport and public places, and work from home arrangements; (v) 16 February 2021, discontinued the regional measures implemented in municipalities in Oslo and Viken following the outbreak of the UK variant of the coronavirus. (vi) 04 May 2021, Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health adjusted regional levels of measures. ; (vii) 25 May 2021, Norwegian Government is moving to Step 2 of the reopening plan on May 27. More people will be allowed to congregate and kindergartens and schools will be able to move to the green level of measures where the rate of infection is low. |
12C - Others | (i) 19 February 2021, easing of measures applicable to children, young people and students including attending classes in person and sporting events. ; (ii) 24 February 2021, simplified the regional measures, the number of levels of measures has been reduced from four to three, and the terms ‘Ring 1’ and ‘Ring 2’ will no longer be used. (iii) 20 August 2021, COVID-19 vaccine to be ofered to 16 and 17- year olds.; (iv) 27 August 2021, the Norwegian Government has decided not to introduce travel restrictions and quarantine requirements for any new countries or regions. ; (v) 03 September 2021, Norway remains at Step 3 due until more people have been fully vaccinated. (vi) 03 August 2021, COVID-19 vaccine to be ofered to 12 and 15- year olds. |