Other ADB Members
Sum of Measures 1—5 (Total Package)
Measure | Amount (Local) | Amount (USD) | Details | Update | Source |
01 - Liquidity Support info_outline | EUR270,000,000 | USD298,672,566 | |||
01A - Short-term lending info_outline | EUR270,000,000 | USD298,672,566 | 21 January 2021, (i) A total of EUR70 million has been set aside for coronavirus bridging loans to startups. Each startup can obtain a bridging loan of up to EUR35,000; (ii) EUR200 million set aside for a credit facility for business owners restart their operations when the situation improves, so that jobs are retained. |
01B - Support policies for short-term lending info_outline | |||||
01C - Forex operations info_outline | |||||
02 - Credit creation info_outline | EUR27,269,000,000 | USD30,164,823,009 | |||
02A - Financial sector lending/funding info_outline | |||||
02B - Support policies for long-term lending info_outline | EUR6,000,000 | USD6,637,168 | |||
02B1 - Interest rate adjustments | EUR6,000,000 | USD6,637,168 | No amount/estimate: March 2020, EUR6 million credit created by reducting interest rates from Qredits. |
02B2 - Other policies to support long-term lending | (i) No amount/estimate: March 2020, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) reduced systemic buffers from the current 3% of global risk-weighted exposures to 2.5% for ING, 2% for Rabobank and 1.5% for ABN Amro; (ii) No amount/estimate: March 2020, Planned introduction of a risk weight floor for mortgage loans has been postponed. It is expressly intended that this released capital is used to support lending, as opposed to paying dividends or buying back own shares; (iii) No amount/estimate: 17 September 2020, The DNB is following the ECB and providing temporary relief for banks' leverage ratio based on exceptional circumstances in the corona pandemic. The ECB expects the temporary measure to improve the aggregate leverage ratio by 0.3%. |
02C - Loan guarantees | EUR27,263,000,000 | USD30,158,185,841 | (i) No amount/estimate: 30 March 2020, The government increased export credit insurance for firms through the credit insurer Atradius. The share of the working capital that companies need for their export production was raised from 80% to 95%; (ii) 9 April 2020, Budget for guarantee facility for SME loans via BMKB was raised to EUR1.5 billion, while the premium for SME loans has been reduced from 3.9% to 2%; (iii) Increase to EUR10 billion (from EUR400 million) in the ceiling of the GO business loan guarantee scheme; (iv) The government provides EUR12 billion guarantees for the credit insurance market to ease lending to small firms. As of 3 February 2021, this measure has been extended for 6 months; (v) 17 April 2020, EUR650 million (increased from EUR400 million) additional temporary guarantee for working capital and other type of support for agricultural and horticultural companies; (vi) 14 May 2020, EUR713 million in guarantees for bridging loans for small companies under the Small Credits Corona Guarantee Scheme. The guarantee covers 95% of bank loans, and funding is provided for a maximum of five years at an interest rate of 4% for company with positive profits over the last three years; (vii) No amount/estimate: 7 May 2020, Finnvera (official export credit agency) increased its guarantee share for SME loans from 80% to 90%; (viii) 26 June 2020, EUR2.4 billion in guarantees for bank loans made by KLM Airlines. |
03 - Direct long-term lending info_outline | EUR1,965,000,000 | USD2,173,672,566 | |||
03A - Long-term lending info_outline | EUR1,965,000,000 | USD2,173,672,566 | (i) EUR200 million available for bridging loans to start-ups, scale-ups and innovative small and medium enterprises. These loans will be provided through regional development companies in the Netherlands; (ii) Loans at reduced interest rates are available under the scheme in (ii) of Non-health, Measure 5; (iii) June 26, EUR1 billion in direct loans to KLM Airlines, to be given in tranches through to 2025; (iv) EUR165 million in subsidized loans to the five Dutch Travel Guarantee Funds that operate package travel guarantee schemes, subject to the following conditions: (a) the reduced interest rates will be above the minimum levels set in the Temporary Framework; (b) the loan contracts will be signed by 31 December 2020 at the latest; and (c) the maturity of the loans will not exceed six years; (v) 30 March 2021, The European Commission has approved an EUR400 million measure to support companies providing package travel and linked travel arrangements in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The loan scheme aims at enabling the beneficiaries to provide consumers with a cash refund equal to the value of the corona voucher, should they request it; (vi) 21 May 2021, The cabinet is making EUR200 million available for loans to SMEs affected by the COVID-19 crisis. |
03B - Forbearance | (i) No amount/estimate: The banking sector has responded by giving an automatic 6-month payment holiday (interest and amortization) for all business loans of less than EUR2.5 million; (ii) No amount/estimate: 7-8 April 2020, Ban on forced home sales of homeowners who are temporarily unable to meet their mortgage obligations due to the corona crisis until 1 July 2020 and automatic extension of temporary rent contracts until the end of June; (iii) No amount/estimate: 17 June 2020, Proposed the temporary deferral of debt payments by four months; (iv) No amount/estimate: 11 February 2021, The Lower House passed an amendment imposing a temporary moratorium on debts of parents who ran into problems with the childcare allowance. |
04 - Equity support info_outline | |||||
05 - Health and income support | EUR104,088,400,000 | USD115,142,035,398 | |||
05A - Health support | EUR80,000,000 | USD88,495,575 | (i) No amount/estimate: 2 February 2021, The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has set up a financial scheme to support employers who want to have employees tested for corona by the occupational health service or company doctor on location. This scheme is initially only aimed at companies and organizations where working from home is not possible; (ii) No amount/estimate: 26 February 2021, Healthcare providers who have worked for patients and clients with corona in the period from 1 March to 1 September 2020 are eligible for a healthcare bonus of EUR1,000; (iii) 1 March 2021, EUR80 million to subsidize up to 20% of the wage costs of healthcare organizations hiring new healthcare professionals; (iv) No amount/estimate: 25 June 2021, With the launch of the new version of the CoronaCheck app, one million vaccination certificates have been issued. With this, people can access events and other places where corona tickets are requested after full vaccination, just after a negative test. From 1 July 2021, the vaccination certificate in the CoronaCheck app can also function as a Digital Corona Certificate (DCC) for traveling within the EU. |
05B - Income support | EUR104,008,400,000 | USD115,053,539,823 | |||
05B1 - Tax and contribution deferrals and policy changes | EUR36,000,000,000 | USD39,823,008,850 | EUR36 billion for deferral of tax collection of VAT, income, corporate, wage and turnover taxes from companies, repayable on 1 July 2021. |
05B2 - Tax and contribution rates reduction | No amount/estimate: Default penalties for taxes will not need to be paid in cases where extensions are approved, while interest on overdue taxes will be reduced to 0.01% until 31 December 2021. |
05B3 - Subsidies to individuals and households | EUR2,903,500,000 | USD3,211,836,283 | (i) EUR2 billion for compensation of self-employed and independent entrepreneurs without staff; (ii) 8 April 2020, EUR175 million for Childcare Compensation for parents who continue paying for childcare during the lockdown; (iii) No amount/estimate: 30 March 2020, self-employed (without employees) hit by the corona crisis are to receive monthly EUR1,050 over the next three months, irrespective of their savings. For married couples or couples with children, a maximum of EUR1,500 a month will apply; (iv) 20 May 2020, Increased subsidies for citizens to make their homes more environmentally sustainable (the “SEEH scheme"), (v) 20 May 2020, EUR50 million in housing incentives for prospective homeowners belonging to vulnerable groups; (vi) 2 September 2020, EUR8.5 million as compensation for parents who fall outside the emergency childcare scheme; (vii) 21 January 2021, EUR135 million in grants to students whose studies are delayed due to coronavirus measures and who graduate between February 2021 and the end of August 2021. This scheme will be effective up to and including August 2021; (viii) 12 March 2021, EUR260 million to help households with financial problems in paying for their fixed (housing) costs; (ix) No amount/estimate: 20 April 2021, The Cabinet has decided to make the first 9 weeks of parental leave paid. The scheme will take effect on 2 August 2022; (x) 12 May 2021, EUR275 million in additional childcare allowances. This allowance is an approximation of the parents' personal contributions toward the expenses. |
05B4 - Subsidies to businesses | EUR23,341,000,000 | USD25,819,690,265 | (i) 1 April 2020, EUR10 billion for temporary compensation of employers’ wage costs, up to 90% of wage bill, conditional on at least 20% fall in turnover in the months March to May compared to 2019 (NOW scheme). In addition, the government will cover 30% of pension contributions and the employers' premium; (ii) EUR465 million in emergency support in the form of a lump sum of EUR4,000 for businesses that were forced to close due to government regulations (TOGS scheme); (iii) No amount/estimate: 1 April 2020, the government will cover 30% of pension contributions and the employers' premium; (iv) No amount/estimate: 20 May 2020, The government will compensate public transport companies for the loss of income and extra costs they face due to the crisis; (v) EUR1.4 billion allocated for tax-free allowances to affected SMEs to pay their fixed material costs; (vi) EUR77 million to support remote care, aimed at frail elderly people living at home and people with chronic illnesses or disabilities. The intervention takes the form of a subsidy for healthcare providers who want to use digital applications, and applications are limited at EUR50,000 per request; (vii) 5 October 2020, EUR4 billion for a job-related investment discount to support SMEs. The investment discount will allow them to offset capital expenditures with the payroll tax; (viii) 4 November 2020, The EC approved EUR1.5 billion to compensate public transport companies for damages suffered due to the pandemic. A further EUR740 million was made available for the first half of 2021. In an extension of the measure, another EUR370 million is made available for the second half of 2021; 21 January 2021: (ix) EUR3.8 billion for the extension of the Fixed Costs Grant Scheme (TVL) to the first two quarters of 2021, while also allowing larger business (non-SMEs) to qualify for the support. As of 10 May 2021, the scheme has officially been opened to large companies, who can submit applications until 10 June. On 12 March 2021, an additional EUR450 million is earmarked to increase the TVL subsidy from 85% to 100% in the second quarter of 2021; (x) EUR160 million to compensate retailers for holding excess inventory. This will be on top of the fixed-cost allowance under item (ix). As of 24 February 2021, the maximum subsidy under this measure was increased from EUR200,000 to EUR300,000. As such, the total amount allocated is now EUR375 million. This measure is still awaiting approval by the EC; (xi) EUR125 million in grants to startups for the first two quarters of 2021, (xii) No amount/estimate, the NOW scheme in item (i) is extended to March 2021; (xii) 17 February 2021, EUR39 million to compensate zoos for the high fixed costs they incur for the care of the animals, while they are closed to visitors due to the corona crisis. The scheme will be open for three weeks starting 22 February; (xiii) No amount/estimate: 17 February 2021, Rent freeze in the social housing sector (of rent up to EUR752 monthly). Subsidies will be given to housing corporations to compensate them for this reduced income; (xiv) No amount/estimate: 16 March 2021, The maximum payment term from large companies to their SME suppliers is halved from 60 days to 30 days to improve these SMEs' cashflow and working capital position. |
05B5 - Indirect income support | EUR8,920,900,000 | USD9,868,252,212 | (i) 17 April 2020, EUR300 million grants for the culture sector, including museums and theatres; (ii) 1 May 2020, EUR110 million to support sports clubs; (iii) 20 May 2020, EUR50 million in construction projects; (iv) 20 May 2020, EUR20 million available for municipalities in the form of “flex pools” (civil servants with technical knowledge about planning and licensing; (v) 28 August 2020, EUR777 million to compensate municipalities, provinces, and water boards for lost income; (vi) 8 December 2020, The cabinet is making EUR58.5 million available to municipalities to offer young people and young adults more prospects during the pandemic. With this Youth Package, municipalities can offer young people more opportunities for activities and meetings, within the applicable restrictions; 21 January 2021: (vii) EUR300 million earmarked for a guarantee fund for events. This will enable event organisers to start planning and organising festivals, once it is responsible to do so; (viii) EUR240 million from the government to support amateur sports. This money will fund the Amateur Sport Organisation Grant Scheme, the Sports Facility Lessors Grant Scheme, and the Special-Purpose Grant for Ice Rinks and Swimming Pools; (ix) 12 February 2021, EUR300 million for a social support package aimed at social and mental well-being and lifestyle. The package focuses specifically on young people and vulnerable groups such as people with a disability or psychological problems and lonely elderly people. Attention is also paid to the mental vitality of the working Netherlands and entrepreneurs affected by corona measures; (x) 22 April 2021, EUR613 million to expand the crisis capacity in youth mental health care and to tackle waiting times. This is an expansion of item (ix); (xi) As of 25 July 2021, EUR6.0 billion of the NextGeneration EU was allocated to Recovery and Resilience Facility; (xii) As of 25 July 2021, EUR52.4million of the NextGenerationEU was allocated to European Agriculutural Fund for Rural Development; (xiii) 16 August 2021, The cabinet allocated an extra EUR100 million this year to improve ventilation in schools. The cabinet earmarked a total of EUR360 million to improve the indoor climate in schools over the next three years, with a purpose of reducing the spread of the coronavirus within educational institutions. |
05B6 - No breakdown (income support) | EUR32,843,000,000 | USD36,330,752,212 | (i) 20 May 2020, EUR500 million allocated to education spending, going to (a) students to mitigate the consequences of the coronavirus epidemic, and (b) primary, secondary, and vocational education to make up for educational gaps caused by the coronavirus; (ii) 28 August 2020, EUR11 billion in additional expenditures from extending the following initiatives through to 2021: (a) NOW scheme, an allowance for wage costs; (b) Tozo, income support for the self-employed; (c) TVL, fixed cost allowances for SMEs, and (d) tax deferment measures; (iii) 7 September 2020, EUR20 billion to the National Growth Fund for three investment areas: knowledge development, physical infrastructure, and research, development & innovation; (iv) 21 January 2021, EUR900 million from the implementation of various tax relief measures such as: (a) extending the deferral period from 1 July to 1 October 2021, (b) waiving tax payments where a payment arrangement is insufficient, (c) eliminating taxes on work-from-home allowances, (d) extending the 0% VAT on face masks until 30 June 2021; (v) As of 25 July 2021, EUR443 million of the NextGenerationEU was allocated to Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU). |
05C - No breakdown (health and income support) | |||||
06 - Budget reallocation info_outline | |||||
07 - Central bank financing government | |||||
07A - Direct lending and reserve drawdown | |||||
07B - Secondary purchase: government securities | |||||
08 - International Assistance Received | EUR6,495,400,000 | USD7,185,176,991 | |||
08A - Swaps info_outline | |||||
08B - International loans/grants | EUR6,495,400,000 | USD7,185,176,991 | |||
08B1 - Asian Development Bank | |||||
08B2 - Other | EUR6,495,400,000 | USD7,185,176,991 | As of 25 July 2021, All the funding of the NextGenEU allocated to (i) Recovery and Resilience Facility, (ii) European Agriculutural Fund for Rural Development, and (iii) Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU) is worth EUR6.5 billion. The total amount allocated to the four programs (out of seven) under NextGenerationEU is still unaccounted for. |
09 - International Assistance Provided | EUR46,235,955 | USD51,145,967 | |||
09A - Swaps info_outline | |||||
09B - International loans/grants | EUR46,235,955 | USD51,145,967 | (i) As of 20 May 2020, contributed USD16,853,932 to the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund; (ii) 11 September 2020, Pledged a contribution of EUR6 million in support of Education Cannot Wait’s COVID-19 education in emergency response; (iii) 12 January 2021, EUR25 million for the purchase and distribution of vaccines in poor countries; (iv) No amount/estimate: 20 June 2021, The Netherlands will send another 160,000 vaccines to Suriname to help fight the Coronavirus. |
10 - No breakdown | EUR13,385,000,000 | USD14,806,415,929 | (i) 20 May 2020, EUR13 billion for a new emergency package, which has five major components: (a) Companies will receive a tax-free allowance from the Ministry of Economic Affairs so that they can pay for their fixed costs, (b) Adjusted labor compensation ("NOW") program that does not reduce compensation for commercial dismissals, (c) Bridging ("TOZO") program that now applies to entrepreneurs and self-employed persons, (d) Prolonged tax relief, and (e) Lending and guarantees ("BMKB", "GO", "KKC", "COL") for entrepreneurs; (ii) 17 June 2021, Under the Temporary Event Subsidy COVID-19, the central government guarantees the costs incurred if an event cannot take place due to corona restrictions of the central government. In that case, the organization will receive the largest part (80%) of the costs back as a gift; the other costs are reimbursed in the form of a loan. EUR385 million has been set aside for this scheme. |
11 - Other Economic Measures | (i) No amount/estimate: June 2, Extended the agreement on tax treatment of cross-border workers until June 30, 2020; (ii) Approved an amendment to the Municipal Debt Assistance Act, allowing municipalities to exchange data from citizens with payment arrears at an early stage with housing corporations, energy, and drinking water companies and health insurers to identify people with debts in time and to offer debt counseling. The amendment will take effect on January 1, 2021; (iii) Imposed new conditions on companies that seek support (including corona-related support) from the Dutch government: (a) the company cannot be located in a country that already has a low tax rate, and (b) the Dutch branches of the company cannot have paid interest or royalties to branches of the group in countries with too low tax rates; (iv) Under the proposed budget for 2021, the lower bracket corporate tax rate is lowered from 16.5% to 15%. It would also expand the number of SMEs eligible for the lower bracket. |
12 - Non-Economic Measures | |||||
12A - Measures affecting travel and transport (local and international) | (i) 15 June 2020, tourists from EU or Schengen countries can enter the Netherlands. However, tourists from Sweden and the United Kingdom should go into quarantine for 14 days. Tourists must reserve their holiday accommodation before they travel to the Netherlands; (ii) The Netherlands will reinstate the entry ban for Morocco from 13 August 2020; (iii) 15 December 2020, Citizens are strongly advised not to travel abroad. Furthermore, a negative PCR test is now required for travelers to the Netherlands from high-risk countries; (iv) 2 February 2021, Japan is added to the list of countries whose permanent residents are banned from entering the Netherlands; (v) 24 March 2021, A recommendation that people not travel abroad is being extended until 15 May 2021. After this date, even non-essential travel to countries with a low contamination level (color coded green or yellow) will be possible again. High-risk countries will retain a negative travel advice (color code orange). All unnecessary travel to these countries is still discouraged. |
12B - Measures affecting business and workplace | (i) The authorities have taken measures to limit the spread of the virus, including ordering closure of businesses, and advising to avoid social contact and work from home to the extent possible; (ii) As the number of new infections and death continue to decline, the Dutch government is laying down a progressive easing of the lockdown measures; (iii) Starting on 11 May 2020, and under strict conditions, childcare services and primary schools will be allowed to reopen, as well as some businesses (including for example hairdressers and nail stylists). The authorities have stressed that further relaxation of the containment measures will follow only to the extent that the spread of virus remains contained; (iv) Starting on 1 June 2020, secondary schools and more businesses (e.g. restaurants and cafes, cultural institutions) will also reopen; (v) 6 August 2020, the Dutch government introduced new nationwide measures to curb the spread, including compulsory testing at Schiphol airport and mandatory temporary closing of entertainment businesses experiencing an outbreak; (vi) After initially loosening restrictions on 25 September 2020, the government reinstated a partial lockdown on 14 October (until mid-December), mandating the closure of most businesses, a ban on mass gatherings, and encouraging work-from-home setups; (vii) 18 November 2020, Public venues such as cinemas, museums, libraries, zoos, and swimming pools were allowed to reopen, but with limited numbers of visitors. The rest of the measures imposed on 14 October will remain until mid-December as originally announced; (viii) 15 December 2020, All non-essential businesses, schools (with few exceptions), daycares, and many public spaces such as parks and zoos were ordered to close until 19 January 2021. On 12 January 2021, this was extended to until 9 February; (ix) 2 February 2021, Most lockdowns currently in place are extended to 2 March, except for the reopening of primary schools and daycare centers, which will happen on 8 February as originally announced; (x) 9 July 2021, The Netherlands reintroduced restrictions on bars, restaurants and nightclubs to stop a spate of infections among young adults, just two weeks after most lockdown measures were lifted as cases were falling; As of 15 July 2021, the Netherlands will reimpose work-from-home guidelines due to soaring COVID-19 infections, just weeks after lifting them. The recommendation to work from home is not compulsory and applies only to people who can do so. |
12C - Others | (i) Starting 1 July 2020, gatherings of more than 100 people in a closed space will be allowed, and no limit on occupancy will be imposed on cinemas, cafés and restaurants. Social distancing requirements will remain in place, however; (ii) 15 December 2020, It is required to work from home unless not possible, avoid public transportations, limit gatherings to two guests from a different household (three during Christmas celebrations), and maintain social distancing at least until mid-March 2021; (iii) 6 January 2021, With vaccines now available, a vaccination plan is being deployed. The first wave of vaccination targets wealth care workers dealing with COVID-19 infections and ambulance services, and employees of nursing homes; (iv) 23 January 2021, a night-time curfew is imposed, where people are not permitted to be outdoors between 9pm and 4:30am. The measure will apply until 10 February. As of 8 February, this curfew is extended until 04.30 on 3 March; (v) 23 February 2021, From 1 March, secondary schools and MBO institutions will reopen for all students. All pupils and students are to attend school physically for at least 1 day a week; (vi) 15 March 2021, The use of the AstraZeneca vaccine is suspended until at least 29 March after reports of adverse side effects. As of 8 April, use of the vaccine will officially be stopped for people under 60 years old; (vii) 24 March 2021, Lockdowns are extended for three weeks until 20 April 2021; (viii) 11 May 2021, From 17 May 2021, all secondary schools will receive sufficient self-tests so that students can voluntarily test themselves at home twice a week preventively. By using the self-tests preventively, students can go to school more often because infections are detected more quickly; (ix) 26 June 2021, Most lockdown measures were lifted; (x) 15 September 2021, Social distancing ends on 25 September 2021, the same date that the government will begin mandating COVID-19 health passes to get into venues like bars, restaurants, and theaters; (xi) 6 November 2021, The Netherlands brought back face masks in public buildings and shops, and expanded the use of the coronavirus pass system [update]. |