Other Economies
Sum of Measures 1—5 (Total Package)
Measure | Amount (Local) | Amount (USD) | Details | Update | Source |
01 - Liquidity Support info_outline | BRL706,809,194,527 | USD144,742,497,306 | |||
01A - Short-term lending info_outline | BRL107,500,000,000 | USD22,014,170,983 | (i) No amount/estimate: The central bank also opened a facility to provide loans to financial institutions backed by private corporate bonds as collateral (iii) Maxmimum outstanding loans from the BCB's standing facility reached BRL2.5 billion in March 2020; (iv) 18 March 2020, Banco do Brasil SA, a state-controlled lender (not to be confused with the BCB, the central bank) announced BRL100 billion credit line for individuals, businesses, and local governments; (iv) 18 March 2020, CODEFAT (Deliberative Council of the Worker Support Fund) announced a BRL5 billion line o fcredit available as working capital for companies earning gross annual revenues up to BRL 3.6 million; |
01B - Support policies for short-term lending info_outline | BRL288,800,000,000 | USD59,141,326,324 | (i) 20 February 2020, the reserve requirement on time deposits was reduced from 31% to 25% and restrictions on applying reserve requirements to the Liquidity Coverage Ratio were relaxed; BCB estimates the effect will be to increase lending by BRL 135 billion; (ii) 26 March 2020, the reserve requirement on time deposits was reduced further from 25% to 17%; BCB estimates the effect will be to increase lending by BRL 68 billion; (iii) 26 March 2020, the upper limit of the repurchase of Financial Letters of their own issuance for bank from Segment S1 was raised from 5% to 50%; BCB estimates an increase in liquidity of BRL 30 billion; (iv) No amount/estimate: 23 June 2020, BCB reduced the Risk-Weighting Factor (FPR) from 50% to 35% for Time Deposits with Special Guarantees (DPGE) exposures when the depositor is an institution associated with the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC); (v) 23 June 2020, BCB now allows credit operations for financing working capital for companies with annual sales of up to BRL50 million contracted from 29 June to 31 December 2020 to be deducted from compulsory reserve requirements on saving deposits for a period of 3 years; the measure has maximum estimated potential increase to lending potential of BRL55.8 billion; (vi) 10 March 2021, BCB extended the temporary rate of 17% reserve requirmeent on time deposits to November 2021; it was originally set to expire in April 2021; |
01C - Forex operations info_outline | BRL310,509,194,527 | USD63,587,000,000 | (i) The central bank has intervened various times in the foreign exchange market since mid-February (both with spot and derivative contracts sales), by a total of nearly USD45 billion (10% of gross reserves) as of 28 May 2020; (ii) The central bank is resuming repo operations of Brazilian sovereign bonds denominated in US dollars, having released USD9 billion into the money market thus far; (iii) 31 October 2020, BCB sold USD1.787 billion across 28 October and 30 October 2020 to keep BRL below BRL5.8 per USD, which it had crossed for the first time since May; (iv) The BCB's March traditional foreign exchange swap auctions maturing on December 1, 2020 totalled the equivalent of USD7.8 billion; |
02 - Credit creation info_outline | BRL1,576,000,000,000 | USD322,737,985,755 | |||
02A - Financial sector lending/funding info_outline | BRL120,000,000,000 | USD24,573,958,306 | (i) No amount/estimate: 23 June 2020, BCB announced conditions for purchase of private financial assets in secondary markets, namely that assets with credit risk equivalent to BB- or higher, in a central depository, not convertible into shares, and with a maturity of 12 months or more will be eligible; (ii) 16 July 2020, BCB announced the Working Capital Program for the Preservation of Companies (CGPE) that provides access to credit for companies with revenues up to BRL 300 million; BCB estimates the CGPE can increase credit to these companies by BRL 120 billion; (iii) No amount/estimate: 21 July 2020, the BCB announced that it will regulate the CGPE--loans will be for a minimum of 36 months, with a minimum grace period of 6 months for the beginning of debt amortization; at least 80 percent of the program is targeted at smaller companies with annual revenus up to BRL100 million; new CGPE loans cannot have higher interest rates or terms longer than the original transaction; the value of the collateral pledged must observe the regulatory limit applicable to the original transaction. |
02B - Support policies for long-term lending info_outline | BRL1,451,000,000,000 | USD297,140,112,519 | |||
02B1 - Interest rate adjustments | (i) 17 March 2020, The Ministry of Economy reduced interest rates on payroll loans for retirees from 2.08% to 1.8%, and reduced the credit card rate from 3% to 2.7%; (ii) The central bank lowered the policy rate (SELIC) by 50bps a historical low of 3.75%; (iii) On 6 May 2020, The central bank decided to lowered the Selic rate to 3% p.a; (iv) No amount/estimate: 17 June 2020, BCB announced a 0.75% cut in the Selic rate to 2.25%; (v) No amount/estimate: 5 August 2020, BCB announced a 0.25% cut in the Selic rate to 2%; (vi) 20 January 2021; no amount/estimate; the BCB's policy committee, COPOM, announced that because various measures of underlying inflation are above the range compatible with meeting the inflation target, and it therefore assesses that both inflation expectations and inflation projections are sufficiently close to its inflation target for the relevant monetary policy horizon--consequently, its previous forward guidance from mid 2020 (that COPOM would not reduce the degree of monetary stimulus provided that certain conditions were met) has been ended and monetary policy will henceforth follow the usual analysis of the risk balance for prospective inflation; the committe reiterated, however, that it is not inclined to raise its SELIC (policy rate) target above the current level of 2% at this time; COPOM also warned of fiscal risks due to the central government's large budget deficits used to respond to COVID-19; (vii) 17 March 2021, BCB raised the target SELIC rate to 2.75 percent; (viii) 27 May 2021, the BCB raised the SELIC rate to 3.5%; (ix) 16 June 2021, the BCB raised the SELIC rate to 4.25 percent; (x) 4 August 2021, BCB raised the Selic rate by 1% to 5.25%; (xi) 22 September 2021, BCB raised the SELIC rate to 6.25%; (xi) 27 October 2021, no estimate, BCB raised the SELIC rate to 7.75%; |
02B2 - Other policies to support long-term lending | BRL1,451,000,000,000 | USD297,140,112,519 | (i) 26 March 2020, the New Term Deposit with Special Guarantees (NDPGE) was introduced as a new financing tool for financial institutions associated with the Credit Guarantee Fund (FCG). This is expected to raise credit supply by BRL 200 billion; (ii) 26 March 2020, the BCB offered loans backed by debentures to financial insitutions through the Temporary Liquidity Line; this is expected to increase credit by BRL 91 billion; (iii) 26 March 2020, the BCB allowed the temporary exemption of tax effects arising from overhedge of equity investments held abroad being deducted from equity -- This provides sufficient capital relief from currency depreciation that BCB estimates an increase of BRL 520 billion in credit creation; (iv) BCB reduced the factor applied to calculate the Capital Conservation buffer from 2.5% to 1.25% through March 2021 with gradual reversal until March 2022; BCB estimates this provides capital relief of about BRL 56 billion and increases credit supply by BRL640 billion; No amount/estimate: (v) 24 April 2020, the Banco Central de Brasil (BCB) raised the limit on collateralized lending for cooperative banks; (vi) 29 May 2020, BCB announced an extension of dividend restrictoins until December 2020 and temporary easing of rules on real estate financing; (vii) 2 June 2020, BCB announced it would maintain the countercyclical capital buffer addition at 0% for at least 1 year; (viii) No amount/estimate: 28 July 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) extended the suspension of requirement that a new public offering cannot occur within 4 months of the closing of a previous offering; (ix) 7 April 2021; BCB announced proposed improvements to the rules for the management of social, environmental, and climatic risks in the financial system, and to requirements to be observed by financial institutions as BCB establishes its Social, Environmental, and Climate REsponsiblity Policy; |
02C - Loan guarantees | BRL5,000,000,000 | USD1,023,914,929 | (i) 2 June 2020, Ministry of Economy provides BRL5 billion immediately and up to BRL20 billion in loan guarantees available to financial agents that lend to small and medium sized enterprises. |
03 - Direct long-term lending info_outline | |||||
03A - Long-term lending info_outline | |||||
03B - Forbearance | (i) No amount/estimate: Local firms affected by the crisis were granted a 3-month moratorium on bank loan repayments (principal and interest); (ii) No amount/estimate: Exporters’ inventory financing is being supported by extending maturities for existing and new export rediscount credits; (iii) Debt enforcement and bankruptcy proceedings (except in alimony cases) have been suspended; (iv) 23 June 2020, the Ministry of Economy suspends for up to 6 months payment to the Board of Trustees of the Severance Pay Fund (FGTS) from private urban public transport companies; the impact of suspended payments is approximately BRL51 million (entered in category 5B). |
04 - Equity support info_outline | |||||
05 - Health and income support | BRL615,000,000,000 | USD125,941,536,319 | (i) 29 January 2021; no amount/estimate, BCB announced the complete 2020 figures for the public sector's financed in 2020; the central government's primary deficit was BRL745.3 billion or 10% of GDP; the central government's total deficit is around 14% of GDP; |
05A - Health support | BRL35,588,040,000 | USD7,287,825,093 | (i) 16 March 2020, Allocated BRL4.5 billion to directly fight coronavirus; (ii) 18 March 2020, Ministry of Economy announced another BRL2.3 billion to directly fight the pandemic; (iii) An additional 0.4% of GDP have been assigned to the public healthcare system, in addition to transfers to state and municipal governments who bear the main responsibility for public healthcare; (iv) Taxes and import duties on goods used by hospitals have been zeroed and import procedures eased. (v) Field hospitals are being built and efforts are underway to procure respirators and augment ICU capacity; (vi) The Health Ministry opened 5,800 vacancies for doctors; (vii) Resident doctors will receive a 20% bonus, worth USD130; (viii) No amount/estimate: as of 12 November 2021, 161.8 million Brazilians (76.1% of the population) had received at least 1 dose of COVID vaccination, while 126.2 million (59.4% of the population) were fully vaccinated [update]; |
05B - Income support | BRL356,426,827,273 | USD72,990,149,938 | |||
05B1 - Tax and contribution deferrals and policy changes | (i) 24 March 2021, the Ministry of Economy announced the extension of the deadline for payment of federal, state, and municipal taxes within the scope of Simples Nacional (one of the three tax regime options for aimed at microbusinesses and small companies); in all more than 17.3 million taxpayers will see their tax deadlines extended for the months of April/May/June 2021 to six monthly installments paid July through December 2021; |
05B2 - Tax and contribution rates reduction | |||||
05B3 - Subsidies to individuals and households | BRL346,051,000,000 | USD70,865,357,048 | (i) Announced a comprehensive fiscal package worth USD30 billion, that includes expansion and front-loading of social assistance/benefit payments; (ii) Announced several measures, which include bringing forward the 13th pension payment to retirees, expanding the Bolsa Familia program, providing an emergency cash transfer to households; (iii) 30 June 2020, the Ministry of Economy announced extension of emergency aid for another 2 months to 64.3 million Brazilians, who receive an additional BRL600 per month (total = 64.3 million x BRL600 x 2 months = BRL77.16 billion; (iv) 3 July 2020, the Ministry of Economy announced a reduction in the IOF tax rate on credit operations had been extended 90 days; the estimated tax waiver for the 90 days is BRL7.051 billion; (v) No amount/estimate: 6 August 2020, Ministry of Infrastructure announced cancellation of the USD18 per ticket International Boarding Fare, starting in 2021; (vi) No amount/estimate: 24 November 2020, the Ministry of Economy announced that more than 600,000 persons insured by the National Social Security Institute (INSS) who had prepayments of the temporary disability benefit granted until 31 October 2020, will start receiving in December the payment of differences to which they are entitled under Joint Ordinance No. 84; (vii) Overall, the expanded Bolsa Familia program provided BRL600 per month to approximately 64 million people through September 2020; monthly benefits were cut to BRL300 per month in October 2020; the payments ended in December 2020; total direct payments equaled BRL295 billion (viii) no amount/estimate; 10 February 2021, Bolsinaro's economic team and Brazil's legislators are negotiating a resumption of Bolsa Familia relief payments--the former have been pushing to reduce other mandatory spending as an offset to remain under limits of the fiscal rule, while the latter are pushing greater overall spending; (ix) 16 April 2021, A third round of monthly Bolsa Familia payments lasting four months started, with average payments of BRL250 per month to about 44 million individuals; total spending authorized is BRL44 billion; |
05B4 - Subsidies to businesses | BRL7,324,827,273 | USD1,500,000,000 | (i) Expanding the Bolsa Familia program with the inclusion of over 1 million more beneficiaries, cash transfers to informal and unemployed workers, and advance payments of salary bonuses to low income workers; (ii) USD1.5 billion to finance two months of payroll for firms impacted by COVID-19. |
05B5 - Indirect income support | BRL3,051,000,000 | USD624,792,890 | (i) Introducing temporary tax breaks and credit lines through the state-owned banks, lowering taxes and import levies on essential medical supplies, and assisting state and local governments; (ii) 23 June 2020, the Ministry of Economy suspends for up to 6 months payment to the Board of Trustees of the Severance Pay Fund (FGTS) from private urban public transport companies; the impact of suspended payments is approximately BRL51 million (see Category 3B for link); (iii) No amount/estimate: 19 June 2020, the National Treasury updated the Manual for Instruction of Claims (MIP) to include specific guidelines and procedures under the Complementary Law No. 173/2020 that established the Federative Program to Combat Coronoavirus and altered the Fiscal Responsiblity Law (LRF) by waiving limits placed on "the Union, the States, the Federal District and Municipalities" in the event of a "public calamity"; (iv) 29 July 2020, Ministry of Economy announced the Aldir Blanc Law that provides amergency aid of BRL600 for people working in cultural establishments such as independent theaters, circuses, cinema clubs, cultural spaces in indigenous areas and popular festivals; total estimated expense is BRL3 billion. |
05B6 - No breakdown (income support) | |||||
05C - No breakdown (health and income support) | BRL222,985,132,727 | USD45,663,561,288 | (i) 30 October 2020, Ministry of Economy announced that "measures adopted by the federal government to combat the economy and social effects of the crisis generated by COVID-19 reached BRL615 billion of primary impact, with BRL587.5 in new expenses and BRL27.5 billion in reduced revenue"; 24 November 2020, the Ministry of Economy added that BRL321.8 billion of this was emergency aid to the most vulnerable, transfers to states, municipalities and the Federal District equal to BRL60.2 billion, and BRL35.35 billion due to temporary suspension of state and municipal debt payments; The BRL figure for this entry is the net amount of those itemized above from the total BRL615 billion. |
06 - Budget reallocation info_outline | (i) No amount/estimate: 28 September 2020, Brazil's government proposed a new minimum income program called Renda Cidada to replace Bolsa Familia (the welfare programs of former President da Silva), which draws funds from the latter and from an education fund; the aim is for the program to begin on January 1, 2021; the intent is also to use parts of the budget earmarked for future debt payments; 7 October 2020, multiple potential sources of funds for Renda Cidada are being reported, but the government is said to be preparing to release details the week after local elections. First Renda Cidada payments are scheduled for 15 November 2020; (ii) 1 March 2021, President Bolsonaro announced he would raise the rate of banks' social contributions from 20% to 25% to offset the costs of a recent decision to lower taxes on diesel and domestic gas. |
07 - Central bank financing government | 7 May 2020, Brazil's Congress approved a constitutional amendment to enable BCB to implement quantitative easing program. |
07A - Direct lending and reserve drawdown | |||||
07B - Secondary purchase: government securities | |||||
08 - International Assistance Received | BRL312,574,795,818 | USD64,010,000,000 | |||
08A - Swaps info_outline | BRL292,993,090,909 | USD60,000,000,000 | The Fed has arranged to provide up to USD60 billion to the central bank through a swap facility that will remain in place for the next six months; as of 6 August 2020, BCB has not borrowed from the Federal Reserve's swap facility |
08B - International loans/grants | BRL19,581,704,909 | USD4,010,000,000 | |||
08B1 - Asian Development Bank | |||||
08B2 - Other | BRL19,581,704,909 | USD4,010,000,000 | (i) 29 May 2020, USD4.01 billion in loans from the French Development Agency (AFD), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), German Development Bank (KfW), and New Development Bank (NDB) for emergency income support programs; these expenses have already been incurred by the Brazilian government. |
09 - International Assistance Provided | |||||
09A - Swaps info_outline | |||||
09B - International loans/grants | |||||
10 - No breakdown | |||||
11 - Other Economic Measures | (i) With congress declaring a state of “public calamity” on 20 March 2020, the government’s obligation to comply with the primary balance target in 2020 has been lifted. (ii) Proposed a bill creating a separate budget (“war-budget”) to expedite fiscal relief assistance and authorize the central bank to buy and sell government and corporate debt securities among other extraordinary measures. (iii) Pandemic leads 76% of Brazil’s industrial sector to cut production. (iv) Brazil’s government lowered its 2020 economic outlook on Wednesday, forecasting a gross domestic product contraction of 4.7%, which would signal the country’s biggest economic crash in more than a century; (v) 14 July 2020, the Ministry of Economy announced the extension of the proportional reduction of work and salary agreements and temporary suspension of the Benefit's employment contract via the Emergency Preservation of Employment and Income (BEm); (vi) 14 July 2020, the Ministry of Economy announced extension of the validity period of Negative Debt Certificates (CND) and Positive Certificates with Negative Effects (CNEND) for another 30 days, both relating to federal tax credits; (v) Lawmakers in Brazil voted to grant greater autonomy to Banco Central do Brasil; the bank's head will still be nominated by the President and subject to Senate confirmation, but legally protected from being fired by the government over disagreements on monetary policy; as a member of the board of 8 directors, the bank's head is entitled to a 4-year term that can be renewed once, though the term expires halfway through the presidential term; the bill goes now to the president for approval; |
12 - Non-Economic Measures | |||||
12A - Measures affecting travel and transport (local and international) | (i) Several travel restrictions for individuals coming to Brazil (Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, and Suriname, Uruguay, the People’s Republic of China, the European Union member states, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom & Northern Ireland, Australia, Japan, and Malaysia). |
12B - Measures affecting business and workplace | (i) Brazil’s population has been advised to stay at home in self-isolation as much as possible; (ii) Businesses have largely adhered to this policy and have requested that their employees work remotely or take early vacation; (iii) No nationwide lockdown, but 23 of Brazil's 27 federative units (states) have imposed confinement measures. |
12C - Others | (i) Schools are not closed nationwide, but several states and municipalities have closed educational institutions. For example, in São Paulo, schools have been closed since 23 March 2020; (ii) 28 January 2021, Brazil's Treasury Secretary, Bruno Funchal, claimed that the government's most effective economic policy right now is a vaccination program against the COVID-19 virus, not employment protection schemes or reviving emergency cash transfers; (vii) 19 January 2021; no amount/estimate, Brazilian pharmaceutical company União Quimica and Russian sovereign wealth fund RDIF filed for emergency use approval of Russia's Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine from Brazilian health regulator Anvisa, but were told more documentation was needed; the company plans to press ahead with production of the vaccine with a view to exporting it to parts of South America (Argentina is already using the vaccine, and it is registered for use in Bolivia, Venezuela, and Paraguay) |